Olive Powder

The Olive - History

A native of Asia Minor, the olive tree spread from Iran, Syria and Palestine to the rest of the Mediterranean basin some 6000 years ago. As one of the oldest known cultivated trees in the World, olives were grown in Crete as early as 3000 BC and may have been the source of wealth of the Minoan Empire.

The Phoenicians brought the olive tree to the Mediterranean shores of Africa and Southern Europe. Latterly, olive culture spread to the Greeks and Romans, who introduced olives to other cultures throughout the Roman empire.

Olive oil is the major, edible, vegetable oil of Mediterranean countries. The olive tree can tolerate harsh climates and poor soils, with some trees over 500 years old, still bearing healthy fruit. Only healthy olive fruits are used to produce olive powder.

Despite the high market price of olive oil, its subtle sensory characteristics account for its popularity. Furthermore, there is increasing interest in the nutritional and functional properties of olives, which make a significant contribution to the healthy Mediterranean diet.

Olive Powder
Swiss inventor – Albert Zumbe
Two phases process
30 years ago
500 years ago
North of Africa
2,000 years ago
Roman Empire introduces the technique throughout the Mediterranean
Stone Mill
2,700 years ago
Ancient Greece City of Olympia
Manual Press
5,000 years ago
Ancient Egypt

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